Conversion plugin phppptx

Conversion plugin installation and set up

Set up

The selection of the transformation method to use is done in the config/phppptxconfig.ini file:

The available options are the following:

  • method: the option of choice in the conversion plugin. Available options: libreoffice or mspowerpoint.
  • path: only necessary if the previous option is libreoffice. Type the absolute path to the LibreOffice executable file.

Instead of this configuration file, conversion classes can be used directly to choose the conversion plugin and the path option.

Type this configuration to use the conversion plugin based on LibreOffice (including the path in the OS to the LibreOffice executable):

If you are using a Windows server and the LibreOffice method, and the path includes blank spaces please wrap the path with single quotation marks:

The escapeshellarg option can be enabled to do this automatically when calling the transform method.

Type this if you prefer to work with the mspowerpoint method:

You can also choose and overwrite the conversion method dynamically with the "method" option when invoking transform. E.g., when working with the method based on LibreOffice:


To work with the method based on LibreOffice it is mandatory to install its version 4.3 or higher. It is suggested to download and install the latest available version:

For Linux operating systems, you can also download LibreOffice from the distribution official repositories.

The mspowerpoint method needs a Windows server, PHP COM support and the installation of MS PowerPoint 2007 or higher.

Next - Running the first example and options