The current stable release of phppptx only allows replacing variables in slides. If you add placeholders/textboxes to the layout (these are not regular contents but placeholder contents) they are removed when a new slide is added. phppptx removes text contents from the layout to work exactly as MS PowerPoint does.
The next stable release of phppptx (there's no release date), will include new features including the following:
- New cleanLayoutParagraphContents option to don't clean paragraph contents from the layout when adding a new slide with addSlide.
- Added masterSlides as target in replaceVariableText.
Only users with a license and active LUS can access beta features. If you purchase a license we can send these updates with a sample. Before purchasing a license you can also send a PPTX sample to contact[at]phpdocx.com and we'll check it to make sure the replacements you want to make are possible.