- getTemplateVariables
- getTemplateVariablesType
- removeVariableAudio
- removeVariableImage
- removeVariableText
- removeVariableVideo
- replaceVariableAudio
- replaceVariableHtml
- replaceVariableImage
- replaceVariableList
- replaceVariablePptxFragment
- replaceVariableTable
- replaceVariableText
- replaceVariableVideo
- setTemplateSymbol

Replaces audio placeholders with new audios.
public replaceVariableAudio($variables, $options = array())
This method replaces audio placeholders with new audios.
The audio placeholder should be tagged using the alternate text option of the PowerPoint interface (this may depend on the PowerPoint version).
Array with the names of the placeholder template variables as keys and the audios that should replace them.
The possible keys and values of this array are:
Key | Type | Description |
activeSlide | bool | If true, get only the active slide. Default as false. |
image | array |
mime | string | Forces a mime: audio/mpeg, audio/x-wav, audio/x-ms-wma, audio/unknown. |
target | string | slides (default), slideLayouts, slideMasters. |
Audio doesn't exist.
Audio format is not supported.
Image doesn't exist.
Image format is not supported.
Release notes
- phppptx 3.0:
- slideLayouts and slideMasters targets.
- phppptx 1.0:
- new method.